Cargo Signal Blog

Cargo Signal's Guide to IoT, Part 8: What Kind of Alerts Can IoT Sensors Provide?

Spending on IoT security reached $631 million in 2021.


IoT technology is capable of collecting and delivering highly valuable data. From smart watches to smart phones and even smart cars, we use this technology to enrich our everyday lives. Now these devices are coming to the logistics industry, transforming cargo into “smart cargo.”

Leveraged correctly, Cargo Signal’s IoT devices can increase supply chain flexibility and the overall resilience of your business operations. Attaching Cargo Signal’s IoT-powered sensors to global freight increases your insight into the visibility, security, and quality of your cargo, allowing your logistics strategy to pivot from one that is reactive to one that is proactive.

But how exactly does Cargo Signal provide this unprecedented oversight?

Just like any smart device, our sensors use IoT technology to collect data and send it back to you. That's why we call cargo equipped with our sensors smart cargo. Cargo Signal's sensors collect about shipments moving through the supply chain and deliver them to you in the form of alerts on one easy-to-use platform. Below are the alerts that our IoT devices are capable of sending to you and your chosen stakeholders:

Location & Delay

  • Waypoint Entry/Exit 
  • Waypoint Arrival/Departure
  • Route Deviation
  • Stationary Times
  • Predictive Delay
  • Distance from Origin
  • Distance from Destination


  • Light Exposure
  • Dwell Time
  • Route Deviation
  • Door Opened/Door Closed


  • Consecutive Temperature
  • Cumulative Temperature
  • Average Temperature
  • Humidity

Shock & Tilt

  • Improper Handling
  • Impact
  • Unlevel Positioning
  • Unsafe Positioning

Having data available that has been collected from the IoT devices attached to your cargo can help you and your chosen stakeholders stay informed, involved, and in control of your supply chain. Our technology is supported by a Command Center, staffed by logistics professionals who monitor your shipments around the clock, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and are ready to intervene on your behalf.

Are You Ready to Implement Sensor-based Logistics?

Ask yourself:

Am I lacking the data and alerts that I need to keep myself and my chosen stakeholders informed and involved?

  • Am I unable to consolidate data about my supply chain logistics in one easily accessible platform?
  • Am I feeling uneasy about my supply chain agility?

If yes, contact Cargo Signal today so we can help bring you the data and alerts you need about your cargo and strengthen your supply chain.

Download Cargo Signal's free Guide to IoT E-book here

Cargo Signal's Guide to IoT, Part 9: Why You Should Bet on Cargo Signal's IoT-powered Sensors